Ms. Bonnie A. Coblentz, MSU Extension Service

The state’s sweet potato growers will have a wealth of information available to them in a half-day event Aug. 25 in Pontotoc.
The Mississippi State University Extension Service and Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station are hosting the 2022 Sweet Potato Field Day at the Pontotoc Ridge-Flatwoods Branch Experiment Station. There is no cost to attend. Registration begins at 8 a.m., with the station tour starting at 8:30.
Lorin Harvey, Extension sweet potato specialist, said topics covered will include cover crops, soil fertility, sweet potato physiology, sweet potato variety development, mechanization of packing lines, and insect and weed management.
“We will take attendees on a guided tour of the station’s numerous sweet potato projects, giving participants an opportunity to look at and learn about research underway at MSU,” Harvey said.
The event ends with a barbecue lunch. Certified Crop Advisor Continuing Education Units are available.
The station is located at 8320 Highway 15 South in Pontotoc. MSU is an equal opportunity institution. For disability accommodation or other information, contact Harvey at 662-490-1954 or