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Eat Drink Mississippi

Let's Do Breakfast!

By Ms. Susan M. Collins-Smith, MSU Extension Service

Whether your children eat at home or school, be sure they eat a nutritious breakfast every day.

Research shows that breaking an overnight fast with a healthy meal can positively affect our health, especially children and teens. Children who eat breakfast tend to have higher school attendance and less tardiness. They also are more likely to maintain a healthy weight and have enough calcium in their daily diets.

Don’t think of breakfast as a meal that has to take a long time to prepare. One of my favorite breakfast meals is toast. I start with whole-grain toasted bread as my foundation to build a healthy meal with lots of fun, tasty, and nutritious toppings.

  • One of my favorites is peanut butter toast. It’s tried and true and hits the spot. Add some fruit like bananas and strawberries for sweetness. Try a sprinkle of chia or flaxseeds for crunch, healthy fats, and more fiber.

  • When you want something savory, try adding veggies to your toast. Spread on some cream cheese, and top it with ham, cucumbers, tomatoes, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for spice.

  • Need a heartier option? Try a traditional BLT sandwich with mashed avocado instead of mayo. Prefer more protein? Top it with an egg.

You don’t have to stop there. Top your avocado toast with tuna, chicken, or ham. If you like waffles, try this with a waffle.

Breakfast tacos and savory oatmeal are two of my other favorites. Here’s how to make them.

Breakfast Taco

Scramble and cook eggs or egg whites, add leftover vegetables for extra fiber, a little cheese for more protein and calcium and put it in a tortilla. Top with salsa. This is a great option if you are eating on the run because this meal can be wrapped in a paper towel or piece of foil, and out the door you go.

Savory Oatmeal

Oats are packed with fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. For savory oatmeal, I boost the flavor and nutrition by adding a dash of turmeric, black pepper, cayenne pepper, a splash of vanilla, and a handful of nuts for healthy fat and protein.

Check out these easy, nutritious recipes from The Food Factor that have been featured on the blog:

Remember, think outside the breakfast box! Boost your breakfast with a variety of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, healthy fat, protein, and spices and herbs. Jazz up your breakfast in a way that works for you and your family.

For more helpful tips like these, visit and join our Nutrition and Wellness Facebook group.

For more nutrition information, tips, and recipes, visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and U.S. Department of Agriculture My Plate websites.

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