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Food Factor: Grilled Sweet Potatoes

by Ms. Natasha Haynes, MSU Extension Service

Just because sweet potatoes are harvested in the fall doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy them year-round! With this recipe for Grilled Sweet Potatoes, you don’t even have to heat up the oven!

Note that you don’t peel these sweet potatoes! The skin will help the slices hold together better on the grill.

I like pairing these with grilled pork chops and a green salad.

And if you love our Mississippi-grown sweet potatoes, be sure to check out our recipes for Orange Sweet Potato Pork Chops and Sweet Potato and Orange Muffins!

Grilled Sweet Potatoes


- 4 large sweet potatoes

- 1 teaspoon pepper

- 1/4 cup (half stick) light butter, melted

Preheat the grill for 20 minutes or until all coals are uniformly ashy gray.

Scrub the sweet potatoes under running water with a vegetable brush. Cut into half-inch slices. Brush one side with butter and sprinkle with pepper.

Arrange brushed-side-down on a grill rack and repeat the process on the other side.

Grill for 20 minutes, turning and brushing with the remaining butter until the sweet potatoes are soft when pricked with a fork.

Thanks to our friends at Cornell Cooperative Extension for this printable recipe.

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