Another good crowd is expected at this year’s Mississippi Delta Rice Tasting Luncheon.
Delta Rice Promotions, Inc. cordially invites you to attend the 27th annual Mississippi Delta Rice Tasting Luncheon, which is in conjunction with September being National Rice Month. The luncheon will feature over 300 rice dishes and is typically attended by more than 1,000 people from around the Delta and various states including international guests.
This year’s luncheon will be held at the Walter Sillers Coliseum on the campus of Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi. The luncheon will be on September 15th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The rice dishes are prepared by local rice-growing families and Delta restaurants. Most recipes served at the luncheon are in the rice cookbook Between the Levees, which will be on sale at the luncheon for $10. Attendees will also receive goody bags, view various exhibits, and enter for a chance to win door prizes.
Admission is $5 per person. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or in advance from Farm Bureau offices or MSU Extension offices in the Delta. For more information about tickets, call the Extension office in Bolivar County at 662-843-8371.
The luncheon is hosted by Delta Rice Promotions, Inc. and sponsored by the Mississippi State University Extension Service, Farm Bureau, and area businesses and organizations. Delta Rice Promotions, Inc., is a group of farmers, agri-businesses, farm organizations, and government agencies whose sole purpose is to promote Mississippi rice. For additional information, call Laura Giaccaglia at (662) 843-8371.